What Do You Think Is Holding You Back?

What Do You Think Is Holding You Back?

"You have been at this forex thing for a while now and still are not achieving the results you had originally hoped you would achieve. What do you think is holding you back?"

Simple question but nevertheless a good one that made me think.

I have been forex trading for almost three years, not a sophomore and not a senior. Three years ago I had high hopes of trading full time within one years time. These hopes faded as the reality quickly sunk in. The results I was hoping to achieve back then were just totally unrealistic. I'm a firm believer that trading takes experience so there really is no way of rushing the learning process. The more you rush, the more chance you have of getting so discouraged that you want to run as fast as you can away from the market.

After rethinking my initial goals, I limped around for quite a long time. I couldn't even put together a profitable month. During this time, I got extremely discouraged and couldn't even hope for achieving anything. I was probably two months away from quitting.

Then about six months ago, I got my motivation back and wanted to give it one more shot. A lot of things seemed to come together quickly for me and I felt good about my trading. This was the point where I felt like I could start setting realistic goals and I did. Since then, I think I've made great progress toward reaching these goals. In fact, I think I've surpassed the expectations I had six months ago.

So in response to the comment, I think I've achieved the results that I had hoped six months ago not three years ago. In response to the question, the only thing holding me back now is my renewed motivation to excel in my non-trading occupation. This was a bit unexpected but one must have a backup plan. I worked hard to get where I am and I don't want to throw it all away. Ultimately, I want to work for me and I think trading gives me the best shot at doing that.

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